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About Us

Welcome to the Ziva Tal Academic School of Nursing

The Ziva Tal Academic School of Nursing was established in April 1949, as a nursing school for the Israeli Defense Forces. The first director of the nursing school was Mrs. Miriam Zaggi, and the school matriculated women soldiers who were to be trained as nurses. In 1963 the school became a civilian institution. Since 1974 the school has been associated with the university level preparation and in 1989 a four- year baccalaureate program was established at Tel Aviv University. Today's baccalaureate students graduate with a B.A. in nursing and are eligible to take the governmental exam for registered nurses.


Preparing Nursing's Best

Our faculty members are all qualified advanced practice nurses holding academic degrees; working together to create teaching programs designed to meet the various and pressing nursing needs of a changing society. The school's primary objective is to provide a broad education based on the foundation of theoretical and clinical studies focusing on physiological and pathological health processes, nursing sciences and psychosocial skills.

Our philosophy states that nursing students strive to:

- Provide professional care to all individuals regardless of race, religion, or creed;

- Provide integrative care according to and while respecting the specific needs of the individual;

- Endorse cooperation between health professionals in order to promote optimal health education;

- We believe that our students need to take an active role in the learning process during their education, and as graduates have the responsibility to be involved in:

- Advancing nursing research;

- Taking an active role in improving health policy;

- Determining nursing policies on a statewide level.

In 2002, two of our students represented Israel and our school at the student's council of the International Conference of Nursing. In addition, one of our 4th year students is the representative for Israel in the European Council for Nursing Students.

For many years, our school has absorbed new immigrants into the nursing profession, and serves as a melting pot for students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Our program integrates new topics into the curriculum based on the needs of our multifaceted society and geared towards improving patient care for all individuals.


Educational Programs

The Sheba Academic School of Nursing has over 500 matriculated students enrolled in various programs designed to meet the specific needs of our students. They include:

A four-year baccalaureate program leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree in Nursing awarded by the Tel Aviv University.

A two-year program designed for practical nurses that wish to continue with their education and become Registered Nurses.

A two-year program for immigrant nurses from the former Soviet Union designed to integrate them as registered nurses in Israel.

Advanced Practice Nursing programs in Intensive Care for adults, Pediatric and Neonates, Oncology Nursing, Rehabilitation Nursing, Operating Room Nurses, and Nurse-Midwifery program.

Following successful completions of these programs, students are eligible to take the Registered Nursing Examination under the auspices of the Israel Department of Nursing, Ministry of Health.


Continuing Education

The Sheba Academic School of Nursing views continuing nursing education as essential and offers a variety of in-service courses, conferences, workshops and seminars programs such as:

Advanced training for Breastfeeding Instructors leading towards IBCLC

Clinical preceptorship training

Reflexology and Complimentary Medical Treatment

Innovations in Psychiatric Nursing


To date, more than 2400 registered nurses have graduated from our school, and have taken on vital and integral roles in all aspects of the health service in Israel and abroad. Many of them hold key academic and managerial positions in various institutions in Israel. We are very proud of our graduates' accomplishments, and we continually strive to improve our educational programs.


Here at the Sheba Academic School of Nursing we believe there is still much to be done, and we are committed to advancing nursing care by improving the quality of teaching methods in the nursing school. We are convinced that in educating the new generation of nurses in accordance with our beliefs we are moving forward in achieving our goals.


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